But if you’re running a small business or non-profit, giving attention to the nuts-and-bolts of marketing can sometimes take a backseat to more pressing matters, like making payroll or meeting your customer’s needs.
Grigg has worked with nonprofit and for profit organizations of all sizes, and we’ve seen how staffing a deep bench in the marketing department isn’t always the best use of resources.
We are tickled pink... Well, maybe more like cyan, magenta, yellow, and black!
Introducing our newest addition – the Konica AccurioPress C3080
Welcome to our new digital press! We’re just gaga over its in-line finishing, folding, variable data printing, and bindery capabilities – and you will be, too. If you can dream it – we can do it with this new baby! Don’t sacrifice quality or superb color with something less.
Read more: Please join the Grigg Team in welcoming our newest member!