Western Wayne Family Health Centers wanted something that would stand out to children at the dentist office or health clinic, and show them the amount of sugar in their favorite drinks. We came up with a game board concept featuring multiple game pieces that could be mixed and matched on the board, and communicate the relationship between the amount of sugar printed on the drink label vs. the actual amount of sugar represented by varying quantities of sugar packets.
The game board is made of two interlocking pieces: a vertical, steel composite panel that was direct printed on one side with radius corners, and fits snugly into a slot on the horizontal base which is made of two layers of white PVC, direct printed with colorful graphics and routed slots to hold the clear plastic boxes of sugar packets. In addition to the boxes, we printed, laminated and cut to shape 7 different drink bottle magnets that could be stuck to the vertical steel panel and moved around to match up the amount of sugar.
It was a hit with kids!