Grigg’s in-house mailing services can help clients who need customized mailing solutions. Whether you need to match a few thousand personalized letters to envelopes or need fast turnaround on 100,000 postcards, we’ve got you covered.
We offer complete mailing solutions – everything from cleaning targeted lists to high-speed addressing, personalizing, bar coding, inserting and tabbing.
And with our knowledge of the ever-changing postal regulations, we’re able to maximize postal compliance and discounts for our clients...every time.
We have worked with Detroit Opera/Michigan Opera Theatre for many years and have worked with them on mailings including their subscription renewal packages. These will often include a brochure, letter insert, invoice form, return envelope and outside envelope.
We designed, printed and mailed this four piece match-mailing which included return envelope, two-sided letter, response and outside envelope. There were four versions of the letter with variable data including name, address and giving amounts depending on the giving group.
In addition to appeal packages for Jewish Historical Society of Michigan, we design, print and mail their membership package. This includes a two-sided 8.5ā x 14ā letter with a perforated tear-off response device at the bottom, #9 and #10 envelope.
Trinity Health has senior living communities all over the country. We have helped many of their locations promote events by designing, printing and mailing postcards, invitations, fliers and more! We often create social media, web and e-mail artwork to go with the print pieces.
We designed, printed and mailed a direct mail postcard for Vista Grande Villa to promote their Memory Care program. The card was 6" x 9" and included a QR code to drive to their website.
For their Summer Acquisition mailing, Detroit Riverfront Conservancy had us design, print and mail a package including 8.5" x 14" letter with bangtail response, custom converted #10 envelope, #9 return envelope and bookmarks. The bookmarks were 4" x 8.5" and perforated down the middle so recipients would get 2 bookmarks (2" x 8.5" when torn apart). We also worked closely with the client developing reports, data, demographics, geography and other factors in list strategies and buys for this acquisition mailing.
We designed, printed and mailed this two-sided letter for Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. The personalized letter included a two-sided response card, return and outside #10 envelope.
Detroit Riverfront Conservancy had us design, print and mail this 8.5" x 11" letter with bangtail, #9 return envelopes and #10 window envelopes.
We designed, printed and mailed this two-sided legal size personalized letter with a perforated response device for Detroit Institute for Children. This included a light blue #9 return and outside #10 window envelope.
Belle Isle Conservancy had us design, print and mail this two-sided legal size personalized letter with a perforated response device. This included a return #9 and outside 6" x 9.5" envelope.
To go with the appeal mailing, Belle Isle Conservancy had us design, print and provide them with parts for their upper-level giving society mailing. This included folded cards, A8 envelopes, two-sided response cards, A6 peel nā seal envelopes and custom letterhead.
The 2019 Jewish Family Service Friends Appeal Campaign we printed and mailed had a brochure, insert card, 6 3/4 remit envelope and outside A9 envelope. There were two versions of the insert card and two versions of the remit envelope.
We have designed, printed and mailed a number of direct mail postcards for our friends at Blossom Ridge to promote a variety of events and specials. These mailings often times also include mailing list purchases to get to their target audience and specific locations.
We designed, printed and mailed this appeal package including a folded card, letter and remittance envelope which all fit into a 6" x 9" envelope.
We designed, printed and mailed this 4-piece, appeal package which included outside envelope, return envelope, letter and a series of postcards. The postcards were folded, perforated and kept together with a sticker.
We used variable data to print and mail this 6-piece, 3-part match-mailing which included outside envelope, return envelope, letter, flyer, subscription renewal and order form. There were nine versions of the personalized letter which was matched to the outer envelope as well as the renewal notice which contained pricing custom tailored for each patron.
We designed, printed and mailed this greeting card-style appeal with remit envelope.
We designed, printed and mailed this personalized greeting card with a tear-off reply and return envelope.
We designed, printed and mailed this three-part mailing which included a two-sided legal size appeal letter with micro perforated tear-off response which was personalized in two places, a window envelope, and reply envelope.
We designed, printed and mailed this two-sided legal size personalized letter with a perforated response device. This included a return envelope stuffed inside a window envelope. There were two versions with different membership rates; one for individuals and another for organizations.
We designed, printed and mailed this four piece match-mailing which included a return envelope, two-sided letter, insert card and outside envelope. There were four versions of the letter and the reply cards were personalized with name, address and giving amounts depending on the giving group.